
Here you will find all the most frequently asked questions, thank you for reading them before contacting us. :)


Will Eurobitz sell metal bitz?
It is not on the agenda to regularly stock metal bitz (whatever the universe). Eurobitz may have occasionally metal bitz recovered from second lots.


Will Eurobitz sell Forge World stuff?
Apart from recoveries bought in second hand, it is currently not scheduled that Eurobitz will follow a regular stock of FW’s bitz.


Will Eurobitz cover all the range of:
Yes, Eurobitz plans to cover the full range of 40K plastic kits of all the races, but it will take time.


Warhammer Battle?
Eurobitz will try to cover as much as possible the range of WHB plastic kits through second hand market. It will be supplemented time to time by the purchase of new or "bestsellers" boxes.


Several people have already asked if Eurobitz will differentiate itself by selling LOTR, but the truth is that we have no knowledge about it! But the acquisition of second hand lots to test the market is planned!


Other brands that GW?
Eurobitz will see about it when we will have all GW’s range covered! :D But we have some idea in mind! :)


When will you redo the “x” bitz from “y” box? (Or) When will you sell the “z” bitz?
It's very difficult to answer such questions, especially when buying stock go through the purchase of second hand! Nevertheless, armies such as the Space Marines will be supplied regularly and receive new stuff!


Thank you for reading! If you have any other questions: